Spend less, save more


Everyone wants to save money, but they incapable to save money even if they do not want to. If you are a student, then you must know very well how important it is to save money. Because the same money saved will work in your future. Today we are telling you about those small habits which you can easily save money by following…

Your focus should always be on saving money. With this, you will be able to achieve your financial goals. If you are not able to save, then we are telling you how to do it.Today we are telling you about those small habits which you can easily save money by following…

Follow these tips:

Make a list
From the beginning of the month, decide how much money you have to spend and when. Make a list of it. Also, see where and how money can be saved. Which things can be spent less.

The first way to save money is to first find out how much you spend. Track every expense from small to large. Whether it is bill of a needle or an aeroplane . Once you make a record of all expenses, then next month you will not have to work hard to make it and everything will be in your mind.

Do not show off 
Before buying anything new, think carefully whether you really need that stuff or not. If you are taking that item only for show, then do not take it. Because it is believed that most of the expenditure is on those things which we want to show before the people.

Reduce the use of credit cards

When we make payments in cash, money comes out of your wallet, in this way, money is realized while spending money. It is not realized if you pay with the card. Whenever markets go for shopping, set your budget, keep as much cash in your pocket as needed. Leave the credit card or debit card at home. This is the best way to save money.

Saving before spending 

When you got confuse,how to save your money with simple methods then follow the words of one of the wealthiest man of this world, Warren Buffet,"Save first then spend",if someone want to achieve something great in life then he have to follow this Golden rule of saving.
Also read some influential career advised books,"Rich Dad,Poor Dad" where the author suggested some golden tips.

Make short terms and long term Goals
Just like you do for saving,have the same with your spending too.Before buying anything, ask yourself,"Do I really need to buy this today?" or "Can I wait for more months?"
Literally,you answer will save your money.
Some examples of short term goals(1-3 years)

  • Emergency fund 
  • Vacation
  • Down payment for your car 

Some examples of long term goals(4 and more than 4 years)
  • Retirement
  • Children's Education 
  • Down payment for home

Investment at the right place

Put in the right place to save money, you have to invest somewhere. Keep your money at the place where you get the right interest rate and profits. Therefore, before getting the money, get a good idea of that savings account or investment tool.

Create an automatic savings account 
There are many such savings accounts where a few rupees are deducted every month from your salary itself. So by choosing that savings account, you have to fix one amount for each month.

keep your eyes on saving growth

See the growth of savings when you have already started saving. Saving money is a first part, see its growth  is another. That is, in any account in which you keep your money or where you have invested your money, keep in mind how much extra income you are getting.